Developing a Chatbot for Messenger: Steps to do it rightly - IQVIS Inc.

Developing a Chatbot for Messenger: Steps to do it rightly

Chatbots are great for customer interaction and timely response. In fact, the major contribution is being played by advanced Artificial Intelligence technology in developing chatbots. Chatbots have been the mainstream and helped businesses to streamline their processes and the way they communicate.

The importance of chatbots in the future can be judged by a study, which reveals that as much as 80% of business organizations will implement chatbot by 2020.

If you have not accepted, chatbot as an opportunity for your business, think again. How it would benefit you in the end over your competitors through AI chatbot to offer an uninterrupted response to the customers and never miss any sale opportunity.

Facebook messenger has gained a massive attention when we talk about chatbot. According to the statistics, there are approximately 11,000 bots currently and is expected to increase further.

From the above discussion, we can see how seriously AI chatbot development must be taken by big and small enterprises to harness the power of chatbot. If you are looking for some tips on how to develop your own chatbot for messenger, let’s move on.

Analyze Your Customers and Your Objectives

The ideal way to get started is by knowing your target audience, and the purpose of developing the chatbot. By doing this exercise, you will get a clear picture in mind that what type of features and functionalities you need. Moreover, it will also help you select the appropriate resources and tools needed for the development process.

The size of the business should also be considered while developing a chatbot for the messenger. Moreover, the developer must know the objective of developing the bot i.e. aiming at the user and the other at the business owner.

For instance, when we talk about developing a chatbot for the user, it needs to offer quicker access to information, product/service recommendation, answer queries in real time and so on. While for the business owner, the purpose would be definitely increasing sales, driving revenues, retaining customers etc.

Essential Kit for Developing Chatbot

After analyzing your objectives, now you need to find out necessary tools and kit for developing your chatbot. For instance, if you want to develop chatbot without involving in complex coding, you can go for Chatfuel. The tools are simple and easy to use, as it requires just drag and drop, easy to follow and implement. IBM Watson is another one to go for. Apart from these tools, you can also make use of Java, C++, and Prolog that does not require complex operations and have unique features.

Opening Note for Chatbot

When you are developing a chatbot, the first thing is to welcome new users. The greeting message should be enticing and to the point. The information must tell the users how it will help them. Furthermore, the chatbot must come up with the possible solutions to the problems that users might be looking for. Adding few buttons to the mode of interaction with the customers will help deliver awesome user experience and save much of the time.

Make the Interaction Seamless

The goal of developing a chatbot for messenger is to help users and solve their problem as quickly as possible. Therefore, you need to provide quick or pre-built questions that users might ask. On the other hand, prepare the answers to these questions and respond them back as soon as the user clicks on the question. Make it clear, concise and easily understandable. If the answer needs to be followed by some other questions as well, prepare them as done previously. The quicker it responds, the better the customer experience will be.

What Data to be recorded?

Everyone knows how chatbots can prove to be useful in collecting data. But it is worth mentioning that all data is not worth to consider. For this purpose, you need to find out what type of data you must collect for your business. For instance, it can be tracking the location of the customer, gender age or shopping preferences.

Work to offer the best functionality and Maintain Flow

If you are looking for chatbot with high traffic, you must focus on offering high-quality service. For example, you can shrink the size of input fields and develop menus that are simple to operate. Moreover, the answer to the queries must be accurate and addresses the concerns of the user instantly. The conversation must be as simple as it could be and must maintain the flow so that users can easily understand and get their problem resolved.

Test the Bot

After you have successfully developed a chatbot for messenger, it’s time to test and evaluate its operations. For conducting the best test, make sure to think of yourself as a user and ask a complex question, silly questions, and queries. The more you test and evaluate, the better the chatbot will be.

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