7 Noteworthy Principles of Modern Web App Development Solutions - IQVIS Inc.

7 Noteworthy Principles of Modern Web App Development Solutions

A web app or web application can be defined as a client-server computer program which client runs in a web browser. It includes the client-side and user interface logic. Some of the common web apps encompass instant messaging services, wikis, online auctions, online retail sales, and webmail.

Now the question arises, how can developers create quality web app development solutions? So, it all begins with an understanding of modern web development principles. These principles assist developers to create outstanding apps. These successful apps adapt to the ever-changing tech trends to meet the current and future clients’ requirements.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting you the list of 7 noteworthy principles of modern web app development solutions.

1. The User Always Comes First

The web has constantly evolved, over the past few years. Methodologies and tools have changed and new devices have emerged.

Nevertheless, one development principle has persisted–and even become more significant–throughout the years: It is all about the end user.

The only difficulty is that the key principle is too often lost in the shuffle. On some occasion, developers get wrapped up in the greatest and latest technology. Sometimes, they are forced to meet strict deadlines and have to rush through the project.

2. Security is Not a Feature

Hackers’ preferred technique for attacking the businesses’ online assets is through their web apps.

As per a recent report 86 percent of the web apps tested had serious problems like confidentiality, access control, and authentication. In fact, 52 percent of the websites suffered from commonly-known vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, and others.

Therefore, the majority of the web apps suffer from widely known yet avoidable security susceptibilities. These vulnerabilities are considered as the topmost threat for the past ten years.

The major reason behind this problem is that developers take an inconsiderate approach to security. They consider it as a feature that can be added in the end. This is not how modern web app security works. So, security must be built into your web apps from the very beginning.

3. Tools Are Your Friend

App development had more of a specialized focus, in the past. Programmers frequently focused on just one language for their development.

This has changed with the passage of time, as a modern web developer course. They should understand modern architecture, UX principles, JavaScript, responsive design, API integration, web vulnerabilities and programming languages. In other words, it requires an ever-evolving skill set which is making it somewhat complex.

As a consequence, developers are under increased deadline pressure than before. Businesses require their apps to be delivered quickly without sacrificing security or function.

Now the question arises that how these challenges can be overcome by the modern developers? For this, they require the latest tools. Luckily, these tools not just help them to deliver apps faster, but they bridge the skills gap. This assists developers in finishing tasks that they could not complete on their own.

4. Build for a Multi-Screen World

The most famous argument over the last few years is Mobile web vs. native app. Which one is better?

However, this is a wrong question be asked. From a web development viewpoint, mobile is table-stakes. You can no longer accept that users will just access your apps on a personal computer. Nowadays, your web app must perform across any screen size, platform, and device.

5. Applications Have A Need For Speed

Over the last few years, we’ve seen the need for application speed increase–driven by two major factors. First, web users have become increasingly less patient.

  • Web users have become less patient: People have a shorter attention span than goldfish. With the passage of time, this span has been dropped by 4 seconds. This decline in attention span has come due to rapidly increasing data. Modern apps are required to handle more data from more data sources.
  • Page speed is good for business: Google led this trend when they stated that they used page loading speed as their ranking factor in websites. Slow pages are shown last in search results.

Therefore, Web application performance optimization is rapidly becoming an important component of the development process.

6. Understand the Importance of Architecture

The importance in development these days rotates around the user experience. As a developer, you are required to give the users well-made and easy-to-use applications, otherwise, there is a possibility of getting ignored.

However, don’t get yourself occupied in the interface that you overlook the most vital part of an application: its architecture. Even though application architecture might be imperceptible to the users, the effect that architecture has on your general application is enormous.

Snippet with the anchor and target URL:  For example, architecture impacts scalability, flexibility, maintenance, and security. Therefore, good architecture probably takes more time, however it is an important part of creating scalable apps. Even though MS Access is usually the first choice for handling data management, it does not scale well in all terms. The best solution, in this case, is to convert MS Access to a web app so you don’t lose all the data you’ve collected.

7. Separate Concerns within Your Applications

Previously developers used a colossal approach i.e. constructing every feature directly into their application. Presently, this is no longer a case. This is because it is an architectural approach to developing one application as a suite of small businesses. Each one runs in its own process and communicates with lightweight mechanisms.

In simple words, instead of building every feature directly into an app, this micro service technique develops apps from small devices.

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