Startup Money Management: 5 Steps on How to Manage it Wisely - IQVIS Inc.

Startup Money Management: 5 Steps on How to Manage it Wisely

The biggest challenge for any entrepreneur is handling and managing finances. Though the ideation phase is a lot more challenging, the real problem begins when entrepreneurs cannot handle finances.

As a startup development company, you cannot afford to handle your startup as a piggy box. You have to be vigilant when it comes to managing finances. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the ways in which you can manage your finances intelligently. Let’s get started.

1. Revenue is not Equal to Profit  

As a startup entrepreneur, you might be able to generate a lump sum revenue in the beginning. It is in fact, the beginning of your successful idea implementation. However, spending the revenue and keeping it up to yourself will lead to the shutting down of the company in a year or so.

Make sure to consider all the payouts and expenses that you have to bear. For instance, taxes, utility bills, payrolls, and other petty expenses should be on the top of the list. Remember, if you are a startup entrepreneur, you need to pay yourself last.

2. Find Talented Resources that can Add Value

Hiring is the second biggest problem for a startup entrepreneur. For instance, if a person considers that an intern or entry-level candidate will cut down the cost, they might need to reconsider their decision.

Keep in mind that Quality matters more than Quantity. A team of 5 developers with 10 years of experience is better than hiring 15 interns with no experience and are willing to work for low.

Make sure to hire the right resources on the board or otherwise your money will flush away with no positive results and productivity.

3. Take Admin Roles in Your Own Hands

Startup entrepreneurs have to be agile and lean. Early on, you can’t consider hiring admin personnel to handle administrative tasks including managing accounts and human resource. The best way is to look at things by yourself and once you have settled the things and ready to transfer the responsibilities, hire relevant personnel. It would help you a lot in knowing how things work and control your finances and expenses early in the stage.

4. Automate Tasks through Software

The technological era is all about working smart, not hard. This is the point at which you can think about how to automate the tasks and save money. For instance, MailChimp can be used to send emails and track results. Whatever you can automate should be done instantly, instead of finding resources, wasting time and money. You have many other big things to look for and can’t afford such expenses that can accumulate over the time.

5. Analyze Cash Flow

Analyzing cash flow from time to time is the key to controlling and managing your finances. Check out for what are the cash inflows and outflows. Find out how you can lower the cash outflow and increase inflows. For instance, if you have paid subscription of software that is not worth paying for should be immediately discarded of.


The success of any startup development company is dependent on how well your idea instigates and how wisely you can manage funding and expenses. If your idea is great, but you can’t manage your finances wisely, you might wait for your company to go bankrupt.

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