CloudOn Success Story - IQVIS Inc.


Executive Summary

CloudOn mobile app allowed iOS and Android users to create and edit Microsoft Office documents with full MS Office capabilities. However, the app lacked certain features like user-journey tracking and had certain bugs ending up in lagging behind than competitor apps. CloudOn partnered with Team IQVIS to remove those bugs and enhance the application’s UI/UX with introduction of new features.


CloudOn built a very beautiful mobile app for iOS and Android platforms that enabled users to create and edit Microsoft office documents with full MS Office capabilities. Moreover, it allowed people to store their docs at their preferred cloud location.
The management team at CloudOn wanted to better track user experience and journey on all CloudOn products and aggregate clickstream data to map user’s journey and enhance their experience.
However, there was no consistent user identification process in all these various application modules, and data and reporting were done entirely different for each solution.

To address all the limitations, CloudOn partnered with IQVIS to get rid of the limitations, fix the bugs identified, and add few additional features.

How IQVIS Helped CloudOn?

After analysis and reviewing technology challenges, IQVIS engineers realized that the application needed to solve several problems, and needed to implement different strategies and tools to resolve each. For the web app, support site and mobile app, they used Flurry and created custom events to provide detailed usage reports. For security reasons, a special process was created to validate user identity and confirm access to tools and documents as part of the log-on process.

To ensure the efficient transfer of detailed reports in specific and approved formats, a custom module was introduced that downloaded Flurry reports at specific time intervals and uploaded the data in S3 and RedShift for analytics.

Technologies Used

IQVIS engineers and developers employed the following tools to deliver the project.

Results and ROI

The results of this project were very encouraging for CloudOn as it not only led to smoother UX; it also enabled it to strike a deal with DropBox later on. CloudOn had previously used a batch process mechanism for uploading support site analytics which included a 24-hour lag time. With the new solution, the lag time was reduced to less than one minute, providing real-time view of usage, and allowing immediate response to support usage needs and trends.


IQVIS has the technical depth to architect a solution that makes sense and the business acumen to understand and address our challenges in the short term and for the long term.”

Director of Product Marketing, CloudOn


Looking at the strategic requirements and implications, Team IQVIS planned and delivered on the requirements. The project was a massive success that led to not only seamless user experience but also enabled CloudOn to strike a good acquisition deal with DropBox in 2015.

In addition, to help manage the large volume of emails and files generated through the app, IQVIS developed a URL shortening module that tracked email and files sharing data and added analytics to the reports made in RedShift.

A custom data analysis mechanism was introduced where CloudOn was able to identify user behavior and map the old clickstream data (anonymously) to new user identities. This provided a detailed and data-based understanding of user behavior patterns.

The app was extensively tested and delivered on time and as per the client’s requirement and agreed timeline.

With the new solution, the platform team can now track how and when the files were being shared. This real-time data showed the platform team the depth and speed of sharing for individual files and emails, and they could now report on the implications to their other teams.
The CloudOn teams can now track a user’s journey on and between mobile apps to website visits. Real-time analytics on the journey helped marketers to understand what’s relevant and important to individual users, and to the community as a whole.

Partly as a result of improved performance, elegant user experience, reporting functionality and 9 million users (who validated the solution) CloudOn was successfully acquired by DropBox in January 2015.

  • Mobile apps had native as well as cloud views
  • Support site was a third party portal on SaaS model
  • Website was WordPress based site.
  • Files shared via email
  • Flurry mobile SDK and web SDK
  • PHP for URL shortening and tracking layer
  • Python based script to parse flurry data, post on Amazon S3 bucket and
  • aggregate data on Amazon RedShift