2021 Tech Cleaning Gadgets - IQVIS Inc.

2021 Tech Cleaning Gadgets

2021 is already having a rough and atypical start. After everything that happened in 2020, our lives changed a little and we started spending much more time at home. With all this home time, we also started to find new stuff to do, new hobbies, and things to distract us. One of them is, without a doubt, cleaning and rearranging the house. However, cleaning is way better when there are tools that make that chore much easier. With the evolution of technology and the extreme consumption of it, new gadgets are being introduced or even old ones with new features to make cleaning easier and not just another boring chore. Here are some of those same gadgets that will allow you to have your house free of dust and germs.

Robot Vacuum Cleaners

Robots vacuums have been around for a while now and they count with many fans. These vacuums are quite useful to clean the floors and, as the years go by, new features are developed to make the cleaning process even more efficient. Some of those tech features will surely have a good response from the public. For example, the capacity of controlling it through your smartphone and set the preferred time and days to have it working. We can set them weekly or daily, and will work at the desired time. Adding to that, we can also map the house, allowing us to choose which areas the robot needs to clean, and even create barriers for the parts we don’t want the vacuum to go in. These are super practical, allowing us not to worry about cleaning, and always having a fresh and bright floor. There’s even no need to turn it on and off manually, as you can control it through your smartphone.

UV-C LED Disinfection Light

Only announced verbally yet, this innovative product has been perfected for quite a while now by a company trying to find equipment to help prevent the pandemic we are living through. This light was designed to be over the keyboard and mouse of a computer and eliminate all the microbes that settle on it. For anyone who uses a computer daily, these two objects build up a lot of dust, dirt, and grease from the fingers. It’s important to clean it regularly, even if the most common method used is to pass a cloth over, this product will go deeper and remove residues not visible to the naked eye. It uses sensors to detect if anyone is using the computer, and only starts the cleaning cycle when there’s no one around. Not to mention, this light can be used on other surfaces, despite the one which was created for.

Robot Mop

We mentioned the robot vacuum before, and how much helpful it would be for house cleaning, however, this one will go a little further. The best robot mopper takes all the manual, and hard work, so no more back pain, and no more elaborated process of mopping the floors. These are quite useful for deep cleaning, all that’s needed is to fill up the tank and let it do the work. It can reach difficult spots that manually are difficult, like around the toilet. There are new features to this one too, like being controlled by voice and smartphone. The days of the buckets filled with dirty water and the dirty fiber mops are over.

Cleaning Will Never Be a Chore Again

These gadgets are here to make our lives easier. Since we have to spend more time at home, we need to be in a space and feel comfortable and clean. 2021 is going to give us even more tech devices and make cleaning much more fun, as it won’t be as hard, and the house will always be clean and free of germs. Which one of these will you be getting? Maybe all of them? One thing is for sure, they are a good investment.

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