3 Mobile App Development Trends of 2019-2020 - IQVIS Inc.

3 Mobile App Development Trends of 2019-2020

Staying connected is the main idea behind mobile apps. With these apps, consumers are able to message one another, play games and even shop for items right from their phone. For most entrepreneurs and business owners, finding a way to build a functional and appealing app is a priority.

Most people have over 80 apps installed on their smartphone. The only way for your app to be included in this list is by staying “in the know” regarding the latest app development trends. The last thing you want is to produce an app that is viewed as outdated or unappealing.

The following are some of the mobile app trends you need to be aware of.

1. Consumers Want a Minimal Design

The first step in developing a new app is coming up with a game plan for what the program will look like and what it will do. One of the biggest app development mistakes made by entrepreneurs and business owners is making their programs too cluttered or busy. Modern consumers are looking for apps that perform one job well instead of an app that performs many functions decently.

This is why the trend of minimalist app design and functionality have become so popular. If your app has too many options to choose from on the home screen, consumers may get a bit overwhelmed. If you take a look at the simplicity of apps for social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter, you can get a jumping off point for how to structure your program.

2. The Use of Decentralized Apps is Extremely Popular

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, you are familiar with the rise of blockchain technology. Developers have taken the basic principles of blockchain technology and pushed it one step further with the invention of decentralized apps or “dapps” for short. Most of the older apps on the market require a middle man to function properly.

The main idea of dapps is that they connect users and providers directly instead of having to go through a middle man to operate. This provides users with a true peer to peer experience, as well as helping a company establish both transparency and trust with their audience.

Most developers love this format because it is open source. This means that there is no centralized point where hackers can get in and wreak havoc. Using dapps also allows entrepreneurs and business owners to avoid crashes due to data center failures. If you are looking for a way to provide consumers with a secure and helpful app, then decentralizing it is a good idea.

If you want to find more information on how to use the latest technology to optimize your apps, there is no better place to look than on the DaniWeb website.

3. Embrace the M-Commerce Revolution

Selling products to modern consumers can be challenging. Finding a way to appeal to the sensibilities and desires a consumer has is the only way to achieve true success in this medium. For most people, being able to shop and buy items right from their smartphone is essential.

This is why retailers need to get on board with the mobile commerce revolution. The number of people who use their mobile devices to shop increases with each passing year. If you run a retail-based business, you really can’t afford not to provide mobile commerce solutions to your customers.

Don’t Rush to Put Out a New App

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in regards to a new app is launching it before it is ready. Adequately testing your new app before releasing it to consumers can help you find and fix problems in a timely manner.

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