Basics About the Performance Testing Life Cycle - IQVIS Inc.

Basics About the Performance Testing Life Cycle

There is no doubt about how performance testing is a critical part of the software development process. Performance testing is performed to check if an app is working as it is expected to function under various workloads. During all stages of the agile process, performance testing requires priority for both developers and testers. Thus, it is really important to understand how to test the apps for performance effectively. 

Issues Performance Testers face During Performance Testing 

Organizations invest in performance testing companies and ensure all apps perform as per user expectations. To meet the current deadlines and faster delivery cycles, it is important to get the best teams working for performance testing. It allows testers to test how an app behaves and evaluate its response. Performance testers rely on data from a limited test environment thus when predicting app performance, the process can be more complex. 

Learning More About Performance Testing Life Cycle 

The performance testing life cycle is not just useful for software testing companies, but for the clients too. Clients set their expectations from a software app and then compare the expected result with the actual results once the app is ready. Performance testing life cycle helps software testing companies in getting accurate requirements from the clients develop high-performance apps and meeting the clients’ expectations. 

Let’s have a look at the various phases of performance testing life cycle. Following are the different stages that a performance test lead/manager goes through during the entire cycle:

Risk Assessment: Test manager checks the eligibility of all the components of a software app on the basis of a risk based score. It is important to note down all the risks associated with the app performance. 

Requirements and its Analysis: Testers try to find out everything about client expectations and requirements. An insight into what they expect from an app, helps them test efficiently. After gathering client requirements, they analyze how to practically implement it into the software app. 

Performance Testing Plan: It includes everything related to preparing a test strategy as per non-functional requirements. In this stage, the base of the app is laid. 

Test Design: In the next phase, testers create test scripts as per the approved performance test plan. 

Workload Modelling: Well, after writing the test design, testers create workload scenario according to the performance test plan using detailed test scripts. 

Performance Test Execution: Testers then, execute the performance test according to the approved plan.

Reporting: Last but not least, the performance testers issue the test reports and their recommendations as to how the quality of the app can be improved. 

We cannot deny the importance of performance testing, whether it is in the new or legacy systems. Performance testers have different software testing tools to make the best of their testing efforts. Performance testing is basically aimed at achieving user/client requirements and expectations. So it is important for businesses to hire the right company to achieve the desired results. 

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