5 Ways to Crush Creative Burnout - IQVIS Inc.

5 Ways to Crush Creative Burnout

Have you ever experienced the weird feeling when your mind does not support you on things that need to be done? Especially, if you are a creative person associated with writing, arts or any other creative work. You need to deliver a bundle of work, but your mind isn’t supporting you. A famous quote by David Lynch is enough to support the situation described above.

“Negativity is the enemy of Creativity”.

When this feeling overwhelms you, no matter how much experienced you are burnout does not care about it.

How to overcome the creativity burnout is not difficult, if you know how to handle it. Here are some of the tips to help you overcome creativity burnout without doing much.

1. Change Your Environment

Humans always need change and to avoid creativity burnout, make sure to change your environment. For instance, if your workplace has no windows or does not offer any outside view, refresh your mind by changing the view. Just take a break and leave your office for some time. Have a walk outside for 5 to 10 minutes and if the weather is pleasant, it’s a good way to bring your mind back to normal.

You can also free your mind by changing the surroundings such as buy a beautiful wallpaper to place it on your wall. Moreover, you can also change the settings of your table and place small gadgets to have some change. For example, buy a fidget spinner or stress reliever ball to renew your creative energy.

2. Involve in Other Tasks

Working on the same project for days can also burn out your creativity. If you are one of those, you can work on some different project that is opposite of what you are doing. As a freelancer, you can seek the help of outsourcer or ask for more time from the client.

Moreover, while working you must listen to music or other similar activity to avoid boredom. For instance, if you have bought a new book the day before or have some boxing bag in your play area, just go for it. Doing monotonous task often create dullness and can result in complete burnout.

3. Watch Motivational Videos

Creative burnout can be handled effectively by watching some kind of motivational video. It does not matter, what you watch, but the daily dose of motivation can keep you on the right track. You can also read some inspirational articles and read some quotes to feel the change. You will definitely feel some difference in your mood and help you get back to work.

4. Music Kills the Boredom

If you are a writer, you might not be comfortable listening music while working. However, taking short breaks and listening loud music can boost your energy and creativity. Do not go for the weeping and sad songs because they will further make you feel down. Just go for some sweet and soft music or rocking and popping music. Listen to the songs at the highest volume, only if your neighbors don’t complain.

5. Do Some Meditation

Meditating from time to time can help improve your mood and boost your creativity. If you don’t know how to meditate, just download some best free meditation apps and get started. By meditating, you will feel inner peace and calm, helping you come back from the foggy and misty feelings. Yoga is another great way to meditate and successfully come out of creative burnout. If you want some motivation, you may look at the stats on Meditation.

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