Going Beyond Traditional Performance Testing To Drive Software Quality - IQVIS

Going Beyond Traditional Performance Testing To Drive Software Quality

The idea of performance testing is derived from a user’s perspective of performance and speed. Users tend to leave an app or site if it does not work as it is expected to. Although enterprises realize the importance of performance testing services, yet it becomes relatively difficult to make things work in favor. However, enterprises need to come up with more creative performance testing solutions to bolster and enhance software quality. 

Why Traditional Performance Testing Wouldn’t Survive in Agile?

Traditional performance testing is great, but it cannot be a stop-start process. It doesn’t work in an agile environment, where new builds and features are added almost regularly. Agile is a major reason why performance testing is not easy to take over especially when the goalpost trends are continuously shifting. This is why enterprises have to rethink their concept and use performance testing to improve their competitive edge. This is not only fruitful for enterprises but for thousands of users, simultaneously. 

New Technologies Require Innovative Tools 

The best solution is to focus on the systems and the results. So how exactly do we want our systems to function? What metrics should we use to measure satisfactory user experience? It is just a shift, that does not only require testers but also involves engineers and performance experts to achieve the results. The evolution of traditional performance testing has an impact on the tools that are more tech-savvy and next-generation technology.

Improving User Experience

Performance testing services are designed to achieve software quality and a competitive edge. Enterprises should be able to deconstruct what their clients want their systems and applications to do, from their user’s perspectives. It also consists of the way information appears on a web page and how soon it starts to appear. All of these elements are an important part of the human experience that cannot be measured with traditional performance testing tools

Moving Forward

Although an app may be able to simulate how stable a server will be under extreme load, however, they can answer questions like how quickly the first lines of text appear on a page when users click it. It does not matter to users as to how many of them are online, they are only concerned about their own individual experience, so it is a part of the performance testing evolution as of how to enhance speed along with quality. It revolves around engineering as to how websites are coded, how their text appears before graphics, getting the first line of the test to appear within seconds and ensuring text and graphics are loaded as the user interacts with the page, engaging them for longer periods. Performance testing services should include daily sprints and with the right modern tools implemented, it becomes easier to find user paths to optimize the user experience. Performance testing should begin much earlier in the development cycle and continue long after the application is delivered, to enhance user experience and create a competitive edge.

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