Reasons for the Burning need for Jira Test Management Tools - IQVIS

Reasons for the Burning need for Jira Test Management Tools

With the increase in the demand for the best quality software products and applications by the end-users, we are observing fierce competition in the software development market. Every single day a new startup emerges intending to be a market leader via claiming to be the best quality software, product provider. However, many of these startups failed to do so and earn the title of false claimers with their brand names and within days wrap up their businesses. This is all because of the emerging trends in the market, the cleverness of the end-users when it comes to evaluating the software products of different brands and new technologies. Under this situation, it is very difficult for organizations to cope up with the competition, to meet the demands and expectations of users, and to make themselves the market leader. Software testing comes in place as a key success factor for many organizations while other organizations are still in the thought process of how to conduct an effective software testing process to cater to the demands of users about quality. 

Before delving into the ways organizations can grow it is important to understand that Before releasing the software in the market, it needs to be tested to ensure quality by giving developers a chance to rectify the defects so that the software works as expected, satisfies the customer and improves revenue. For startups, maybe manual testing suffices the testing needs and requirements but manual testing can not prove to be the one best way to become a market leader. Testing is a process full of troubles like managing test cases, duplication of tests, communication gaps within the teams, and much more. To cater to these challenges of software testing, Jira test management tools prove to be a great helping hand for test managers and teams.

How test management tools prove to be a helping hand for QA managers?

Test management tools are great at integrating multiple facets of software testing into one place. This can improve resource utilization, quality, and test speed while reducing workload and costs. Tools differ in flexibility, effectiveness, ability, scope, etc. However, test management tools are different from one another in terms of effectiveness, mobility, and scope. Now the decision is of the organizations whether they want to utilize a single tool that is best at ensuring the effectiveness or else using two or more test management tools for having different combinations like both flexibility and scope. However, we suggest you have one comprehensive solution that best suits your organization and its business project requirements. A typical tool captures the test requirements, assists in designing the test cases maps the test cases to the requirements, and generates test execution reports.

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