The Top 10 Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued - IQVIS Inc.

The Top 10 Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued

As a recruiter, you would agree that it is not always easy to recruit great candidates. In the article “How to recruit like a Pro,” I shared 7 tips from an e-book called The Candidate Experience to help your recruiting efforts. Today, I have decided to share another previously unreleased guide from the same author:

How to Make Your Employees Feel Valued: 10 Ways To Make Your Team Feel More Valued and Engaged.

The reason for sharing this awesome resource is because we too often focus on what we want (new hires) rather than what others need (to feel valued). If you really care about your organization’s success and employee happiness, then you need to make everyone in company feel valued. Do you know what I have noticed over the years in my recruiting career? It is that finding new hires requires a lot of work but retaining good employees requires even more energy.

This guide will touch on how to make your current employees feel valued. And trust me; they are the most important part of your team. It is always better to nurture them then it is to find another employee with slightly better skill set which might not be enough anyway…

How To Make Your Employees Feel Valued: 10 Ways To Make Your Team Feel More Valued and Engaged by Brett Rogers has been shared today for the purpose of helping you with recruiting efforts. Should this resource help with retention, give back some hope or simply provide information that can help you achieve your recruitment goals, we at Source GlobalTalent will be more than happy.

This is a bot that tells short stories about life experiences and how to learn from them. Some of the stories are inspired by others, some purely based on imagination…

I came across this TED talk today and it blew my mind! I love robots, so I decided to share with you guys this amazing presentation because in many ways we could substitute robot for digital assistant (or replace both actually). If you like futuristic technology and gadgets then try watching that video and let me know what you think:

What is AI? How do we interact with machines? What happens when AI overtakes us? Is there a real threat of Artificial Intelligence turning against humans one day or is it all science-fiction? Let me know your thoughts on Artificial Intelligence!

I think that as soon as we ran out of jobs to be done by humans due to faster and faster developing technology we will start looking for ways how to keep things interesting. Maybe we’ll return back to the time when everybody had a gardener or a servant (or at least I hope so). How do you feel about AI and automation taking over our lives and work? Do you agree with this TED presenter’s opinion? I would love to hear from you in comments!

Mobile apps are dominating our everyday activities, even those which used to be strictly offline. We got used using smartphones every day, doing shopping online, organizing events or communicating with other people through social media apps.

I have created a list of my favorite iOS apps that help me organize my daily activities and prepare for the future…

There is always something to do in order to reach success, be it building a business startup from scratch, finishing school or simply taking care of your career.

In this article I will share with you 5 time management apps that will definitely make organizing your life easier:

1)  ToDoist  (iOS/Android). This app lets you create tasks and projects, add deadlines and keep track of them.

2)   Toodledo (iOS/Android). A simple task manager that allows users to manage their lives within one app.

3)     Wunderlist (iOS/Android/Windows Phone). This app is great for task and project management, as well as sharing and collaboration.  It also allows users to integrate into their favorite CRM software.

4) (iOS/Android). Users can keep track of everything that they have to do, schedule tasks for the future and share their lists with others.

5)     Reminders App (iOS). Every Apple user has it pre-installed but not many actually use it. It offers simple task management with flags, alarms and location-based reminders…


What I like most about all of those tools (beside the fact that they are free and easy to be used) is that they organize my tasks by time, not by categories.

I don’t know if you’ve had similar experience but dealing with different kinds of lists seems really confusing for me. What do I have to do today? Which task should be higher priority? With new task management apps available no wonder we tend to forget things or postpone them… But why not try a simple way – ranking your tasks based on their importance and urgency rather than tagging them as “this week” or “next month”? That might help us finally move forward! Has anyone tried such approach before and if so – how did it go?

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