Top Five Fast UI libraries and Frameworks Comparison 2020 - IQVIS

Top Five Fast UI libraries and Frameworks Comparison 2020

The performance of JavaScript data table grid is one of the most important criteria for developers when they choose a framework or library for their projects. It’s a paradox, but this parameter is not likely to be found on websites selling solutions like these. The owners of frameworks usually prefer this information to stay clothed in mystery. Content creators often use words like “efficient” or “high-performance” to describe UI libraries and to show them off. But it’s all hot air without real material proof. 

Let’s dig deeper into the peculiarities of five data grids from UI libraries which are known to be fast. You will find the real numbers from the real performance tests. We’ll also compare other parameters like the number of widgets, prototyping and testing tools, integrations with bigger players, prices, etc. 


dhtmlxSuite is a JavaScript UI library for creating data-rich apps for various purposes. This package consists of 20+ functional widgets. There is a variety of complex tools as Gantt Chart, Scheduler, Pivot Table, File Uploader, Spreadsheet, and Rich Text Editor. DHTMLX is compatible with React, Angular, and Vue. The library offers technical support for licensed users. It is also possible to get help on the official forum or find the answers to most of the questions in the documentation.  

Although, the library doesn’t offer any tools for testing and prototyping. The prices start from 799$ for the commercial license (DHTMLXsuite) with standard support and end at 7609$ for the premium ultimate license. There is a variety of support plans and you can buy almost any widget separately. 


It’s a UI library allowing developers to create responsive web apps for touch devices and traditional desktops. It includes more than 70 widgets on the whole. Some of them are complex and can act as a fully functional app, e.g., DataGrid or PivotGrid. DevExtreme has integrations with the biggest frameworks and UI libraries such as React, Angular, Vue, jQuery, ASP.NET, and VS. There is a free tool for customizing UIs by visual means ThemeBuilder.

A complete version costs 499,99 $. The price for the same version but with priority support is 699,99 $. DevExtreme also offers a free license for non-commercial use.

Ext JS by Sencha 

It’s the most sophisticated and progressive library from the list. Ext JS by Sencha includes 115+ fully supported components. The development company also offers Ext React and Ext Angular – versions that support the corresponding frameworks. There is also a GXT pack that allows creating apps for devices using GWT. Surely, Sencha offers more advantages and goodies like tools for unit and end-to-end testing, or graphical editor for Ext JS, ExtAngular, and ExtReact apps. But note, these tools are not free of charge, e.g., as if compared to the similar ones by Webix. 

Nevertheless, Sencha offers a very useful development tool as Stencils. It’s a UI asset kit for Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Sketch, Balsamiq. Users regard this framework to be one of the best solutions for big web projects.  


Webix is a JavaScript UI Framework with approximately 100 components and 8 complex widgets: File Manager, Kanban, DataTree, DataTable, Pivot Chart, Pivot, SpreadSheet, and Mobile Scheduler. This library has several integrations for a text editor, Charts, and Maps. The lowest license cost is $349 for an individual developer (with no complex widgets and basic support). The most expensive Unlim pack costs $9499 (5 complex widgets and premium support). The library offers several free development tools: a form builder for building forms, UI Designer for app interface prototyping, a code snippet with lots of coding samples, and a preview.

Unfortunately, Webix doesn’t offer any integration suites for well-known frameworks like React or Angular. But at the same time, this library provides tools for optimizing and fine-tuning UIs created on Salesforce. No library from the list doesn’t do that. Moreover, Webix is the only framework from these 5 that has a support program for startups. One more minus is the absence of testing tools.


Founded by a team of passionate web developers in 2009, Bryntum is a company that creates off-the-shelf JavaScript components. They have Gannt, Scheduler, DataGrid, and several components for Ext JS behind their belt. Bryntum also offers 2 tools for testing Siesta and root cause.  

Being not a big library with only 10 components, the Swedish developer doesn’t offer many free goodies for customers. At the same time, they are the only company among the discussed that offers special services like assistance in implementing and customizing their products, or emergency assistance when one of their experienced engineers provides help within 48 hours. These kinds of services are hourly paid. Bryntum complete costs 2650$. Separate components prices vary from 395$ for the task board till 950$ for Gannt Chart.     

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